Instructions : Please print from your computer, fill out and mail to :
Include ($ 20.00 for Singles, $ 30.00 per team for Doubles), and make cheque payable to : BC Tennis Leagues
I wish to play (circle)
Name : ___________________________________________
(Doubles) Partner __________________________________ (Mark "x" by name of person who will arrange matches )
Address : _________________________________________
City : ______________________________
Postal Code : ____________
Home Ph. ____________________ Work Ph. _____________________
Email Address : __________________________________
Competitive Skill Level (Circle)
1.0 __ 1.5 __ 2.0 __ 2.5 __ 3.0 __ 3.5 __ 4.0 __ 4.5 __ 5.0__
By completing this Registration Form, I/we expressly agree to waive and release BC Tennis Leagues and Ron Shalley from any claims, suits or causes of any action for personal injury or damage to person or property or loss of property arising out of or in connection with participating in league play.
You will be contacted once we can place you in a league to confirm your participation before the schedule is printed and your cheque is deposited.